Hi there everyone.
Today, I will like to introduce you all to Krati Agarwal. We met through Instagram and I have been following her work for a long time.
Besides being an exceptional photographer and her inclination toward Food Sustainability is commendable. Her work speaks volumes.
Without any further ado, let’s talk to Krati.
Tell Us About You:
I am Krati, a freelance photographer, food & lifestyle writer, and content creator.
What is your story? How did you decide to become a Small Business Owner?
When I moved to the Netherlands, there was this constant struggle whether to accept the job offer that was sitting on my desk or to start my own business in a new country where I didn't know much or anyone. Guess what, I chose the latter and here I am navigating this bumpy path of running a business! For once in my life, I chose a rather unobvious path and I don't regret it! It’s been an incredible learning curve which I don't think I would have had the opportunity of if I was in a full-time job. Not just skills but running a business has made me learn so many things about myself too.
Tell us about your business:
My services span across photography, content creation, article writing, and recipe development. As a photographer and content creator, my goal is primarily to encapsulate a brand’s vision and narrate that visually in a unique and relatable way. I also love exploring food cultures and am always on the lookout for lifestyle choices that are healthy and sustainable for our planet. This also is the tone that you will often find in my articles and recipes.
One of the areas of your work is Food Sustainability. Can you tell us more?
My inclination toward food sustainability grew when I was living in the UK. I am from India and seasonal, locally grown produce is still the way to eat. I was curious about how it all works in this part of this world and so my quest began. I also familiarised myself with the problems that we are facing both at production and consumption levels. Monocultures, food poverty, food waste, and lack of diversity in diets are some of the many issues that we are facing today. I also joined the Slow Food Youth Network to keep myself up to date with the current problems and challenges we are facing today and what are some of the feasible solutions. It’s a long journey but I am hopeful that we will restore balance.
Tell us about your achievements. (everything counts small or big)
Feedback from a client saying this is what exactly they were looking for or a photography enthusiast saying that were surprised to discover the possibilities in photography is what counts as an achievement for me.
What challenges have you faced while achieving your dream to be a small business owner?
Finding the right connections and audience. When you come from a different industry and you happen to be in a new country, you are basically starting from scratch in every way. That’s one of the biggest challenges I faced and pandemic made things even tougher.
What is the one thing you have learned on the road to being a small business owner?
Failures are good. Embrace them, learn from them. There are no set rules for running a business. You have to learn and improvise at all stages. Be flexible!
What have you learned about yourself on this journey?
A realization that food is not just about sustenance but there can also be a creative side attached to it. Be it photography, styling, or creating recipes, each and every way can be so fascinating! I also realized how deeply passionate I am about food sustainability and food cultures across the globe and that also includes my own.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a small business owner or follow their passion?
Persistence and patience go a long way in running a business. Some days will be extremely low and you wouldn’t stop wondering what the heck are you doing? But then, there are also going to be days where you will surpass your own and others' expectations. Remember such days when you feel low and keep at it!
Where can we find you?
Website: https://www.kratiagarwal.com/
Instagram/Pinterest/twitter: @kafoodandphoto
That was Krati sharing her journey towards building her business and achieving her goals. I want to thank Krati for talking to us about her work and passion for Food Sustainability.
Next month, there will be another accomplished individual achieving her goals. You can follow the journey on Instagram as well. It can be tracked at #yourswhyseries.
I will talk to you soon. On that note, have a wonderful rest of your day.